Recess gives me the opportunity to get out and about in the constituency during the week and today has been a good example of that.
The day (Tuesday 2nd June) started with an early meeting with Conwy Council engineers to talk about sea defences and the council scrutiny meeting the previous evening.. Then it was out into the sunshine and West Shore to meet residents and talk about enforcement concerns (and sand!) We also put a date in the diary to help raise money for our local RNLI teams!
I had to leave the sunshine as it was back to the office for a quick update on the virus variant in Conwy. We just need to keep being sensible (hands, face and space) and get tested if you think you might have the symptoms.
I really do not know why Welsh government have to go on national Radio 4 and say they might review restrictions - we are only at 20 cases per hundred thousand (?) and our at-risk groups are vaccinated (and if they do apply restrictions, will they do it to the whole of Wales, as they did to North Wales when South Wales had an outbreak?)
It was then out to meet the owner of Lees Pubs at The Groes Inn. They must have one of the best settings for lunch in North Wales (see picture) and it was great to see them busy and welcoming visitors for lunch and some liquid refreshment.
These meetings help me catch up on what is happening in their various pubs across North Wales. And as a big investor in North Wales, it is helpful to hear about their experience of the pandemic, their plans and perspectives on how things are going.
Final meeting of the day was with local businessman Gareth at the Tea Station in Deganwy (thank you Erin and Vicky for the excellent service!) He is so keen to see improvement in the North Wales he loves and grew up in.
We had an exciting conversation with ideas about how smaller business can make a difference - watch this space!
(And Soph-a-Mor walked past while we were putting the world to rights!)
All in all, a great day to get out and about in the sunshine, see the best of what Aberconwy has to offer and meet the people who are helping shape it.
A real privilege. And it starts all over again tomorrow!
Diwrnod ym Mywyd AS yn ystod Toriad
Mae toriad yn gyfle i mi fynd yma a thraw yn yr etholaeth yn ystod yr wythnos ac roedd heddiw yn enghraifft dda o hynny.
Dechreuodd y diwrnod (dydd Mawrth 2il Mehefin) gyda chyfarfod cynnar gyda pheirianwyr Cyngor Conwy i drafod amddiffynfeydd morol a chyfarfod craffu’r cyngor y noson flaenorol.
Wedyn cyfle i fynd allan i’r heulwen a Phen Morfa i gwrdd â'r trigolion a siarad am bryderon gorfodi (a thywod!) Fe wnaethon ni hefyd roi dyddiad yn y dyddiadur i helpu i godi arian i’n timau RNLI lleol!
Wedyn yn syth yn ôl i’r swyddfa i gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am amrywiolyn y feirws yng Nghonwy. Mae angen i ni ddal ati i fod yn gall (dwylo, wyneb a gofod) a chael prawf os ydych chi’n meddwl bod gennych chi’r symptomau.
Dydw i ddim wir yn gwybod pam mae’n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru fynd ar Radio 4 ar draws y DU a dweud efallai y bydd yn adolygu’r cyfyngiadau – a ninnau â dim ond 20 achos fesul can mil o bobl (?) a’n grwpiau ar risg wedi cael eu brechu (ac os bydd yn gosod cyfyngiadau, a fydd yn gwneud hynny i Gymru gyfan, fel y gwnaeth i Ogledd Cymru pan roedd nifer uchel o achosion yn y De?)
Cefais wedyn fynd i gwrdd â pherchennog Lees Pubs yn The Groes Inn. Siawns mai dyma un o’r lleoliadau gorau i gael cinio yng Ngogledd Cymru (gweler y llun) ac roedd yn wych eu gweld yn brysur ac yn croesawu ymwelwyr am ginio a rhywbeth i dorri syched.
Mae’r cyfarfodydd hyn yn fy helpu i gael gwybod beth sy’n digwydd yn eu tafarnau amrywiol ar draws y Gogledd. Mae’n fuddsoddwr mawr yng Ngogledd Cymru, felly mae’n ddefnyddiol cael clywed am eu profiad o’r pandemig, eu cynlluniau a’u safbwyntiau ynghylch sut mae pethau’n mynd.
Roedd cyfarfod olaf y dydd gyda’r gŵr busnes lleol Gareth yn y Tea Station yn Neganwy (diolch Erin a Vicky am y gwasanaeth rhagorol!) Mae mor awyddus i weld gwelliannau yng Ngogledd Cymru lle cafodd ei fagu a lle mae’n ei garu.
Cawsom sgwrs gyffrous gyda syniadau am sut gall busnesau llai wneud gwahaniaeth – cadwch eich llygaid ar agor!
(A cherddodd Soph-a-Mor heibio pan roedden ni’n rhoi’r byd yn ei le!)
At ei gilydd, diwrnod gwych i fynd allan yn yr heulwen, gweld y gorau o’r hyn sydd gan Aberconwy i’w gynnig a chwrdd â’r bobl sy’n helpu i’w siapio.
Braint go iawn. Ac mae’n dechrau eto yfory!